Brigadier General Robert F. Titus, USAF (Ret)
Fighter Pilot | Test Pilot | Leader

William B. Scott, Author

It is my sincere hope that this inspiring, heartfelt story of a great American hero, “Earthquake” Titus, will inspire new generations of Americans. “EQ” was a warrior’s Warrior.

As “EQ” was very fond of quoting General Robert E. Lee, CSA:

“Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less.”

“EQ” was an extraordinary leader who led by example. He was always there for his people. He served God and country.

Leon J. DeLisle

“Throw a Nickel on the Grass”

12/6/1926 - 9/8/2024